Friday 1 July 2011

truck pick up

truk pick-up seperti gambar emblem di atas sering kami lihat di bandung. biasanya truk-truk ini mengangkut sayuran dan tanaman dari bukit atas bandung ke distributor-distributor di kota yang lebih bawah. truk-truk itu memang sudah tua, tetapi semangat membawa barang bawaannya yang kadang-kadang melebihi kapasitas. 

the pick-up truck like those image in our emblem above often we see in bandung. usually they lift a heavy vegetables from farmers in uphill to distributors in  downtown. those pick-up truck maybe old, but they have a positive spirit for taking the heavy duty vegetables and plants.


random finds-rainbow cakes

we are a huge fan of homemade food, and who can resist cake? this rainbow cakes now is a huge hit in the internet.

-rainbow cake with pink layer cake-beautiful.
-six layers for wedding cakes. inspiration recipe here.
-purple frosting with sprinkles.
-28 layers! this cake inspire another beautiful rainbow layer cake. recipe here.
-pastel layer cake. leah rosenberg is a talented artist. love her works.

and we find this blog, call me cupcake. contains a full recipe for homemade cupcakes.